Printable Contracts

   Whistle Blower Policy


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Anti-Retaliation Policy


{Company Name} holds all of its employees to the highest standards when it comes to honesty and integrity. Any employees who suspect illegal or fraudulent actions that violate company policies are highly encouraged to report the incident to {Contact} at {Contact Information} as soon as possible.


All reports of violations or suspected violations must be made in good faith. If a report is determined not to be made in good faith, the reporting employee may be subject to disciplinary action.

Complainants may file a report confidentially, but anonymous reports may not warrant an investigation without corroborating evidence or a second statement.

{Name} will investigate all reports and start the corrective steps. If an investigation does not take place, the reporting employee will be issued a statement outlining why there is no investigation no later than {number} days after the report has been filed.


No employee who has filed a report in good faith shall be subjected to harassment, disciplinary actions, demotions, threats, transfer or termination. Anyone found harassing a reporting employee will be subject to disciplinary action.

For more information, please contact:

{Name, Title, Department, Room, Phone, Fax, Email}

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Index of Printable Contract Examples

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