Printable Contracts

   Vacation Policy


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Vacation Policy

Vacation Hours

Employees are encouraged to take their vacation time to relax and recuperate. Vacation plans must be submitted in writing for approval by the HR department no later than {number} weeks before the planned vacation.

Employees shall receive base pay for each day of vacation allotted and shall not include bonuses, incentives or overtime.

- {Number of years at company}: {Number of days' vacation per year}

- {Number of years at company}: {Number of days' vacation per year}

- {Number of years at company}: {Number of days' vacation per year}

If an employee's paid vacation overlaps with a holiday, that day will be covered under holiday pay and the vacation day will remain unused.

If an employee is out of sick days, he or she may use vacation days for absences due to illness or injury.

Part-time employees will not accrue vacation days. However, if they work in excess of {number} hours per week, they will accrue vacation hours at the rate of {number} vacation hours per week.

Vacation hours cannot be accrued during a paid or unpaid leave of absence.

Vacation hours do not begin accruing until the employee has been employed at least {amount of time}.

Unused Vacation Days

Vacation days that have not been used by the end of the calendar year will roll over into the new year.

If unused vacation days exceed a total of {number}, no new vacation days will be awarded until the excess vacation days have been used. The employee cannot receive cash in lieu of vacation days.

If the employee is terminated or discharged before using vacation days, the base pay equivalent will be added to his or her final paycheck.

For more information, please contact:

{Name, Title, Department, Room, Phone, Fax, Email}

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Index of Printable Contract Examples

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