Printable Contracts

   Student Behavior Contract

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Student Behavior Contract

This contract between {Student's Name} (hereafter known as "Student"), {Teacher's Name} hereafter known as "Teacher"), and {Parents' Names} (hereafter known as "Parents"), outlines a strategy for improving Student's behavior.

For this month, {month}, Student will target the following behaviors in class: {behavior goals to meet}.

Student has successfully integrated {new behavioral skills} into {his/her} classroom behavior. Student is expected to maintain those behaviors as well.

For successful behavior, Student will receive {reward}. For every {disruption, principal visit, time out, etc.}, Student will receive {punishment}. Every week, Student will bring home a behavior report to Parents, who will be required to sign it and return it to Teacher at the beginning of the next week.

If Student is unable to successfully achieve behavior goals, {he/she} {will not be allowed on field trips, cannot attend school functions, will stay in at recess, will be assigned classroom duties, etc.}.

Parents understand that these behavior goals must be reinforced at home. Parents agree to guide Student along the same outline listed here.

(Student's Signature)

(Teacher's Signature)

(Parent 1 Signature)

(Parent 2 Signature)


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Index of Printable Contract Examples

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