Printable Contracts

   Marriage Separation Agreement

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Separation Agreement

On this day, {date}, {Spouse 1} (hereafter "Spouse 1"), of {City, State}, born on {date}, and {Spouse 2} (hereafter "Spouse 2"), of {City, State}, born on {date}, both being of sound mind, hereby swear that the following contract serves as a fair and equitable agreement regarding the dissolution of their marriage and the division of their mutual property and assets.

  1. Spouse 1 and Spouse 2 were married {date} at {location} and are seeking divorce as of {date} due to irreconcilable differences. There is no possibility of reconciliation.
  2. Both parties verify that they have been residing at {location} for {amount of time}, under jurisdiction of {county}.
    1. {Spouse} shall continue residing at this location, and shall be the sole responsible party for meeting the terms of the mortgage/rent as of {date}.
    2. {Spouse} shall find new accommodations no later than {date} and shall be responsible for current mortgage/rent responsibilities according to the following plan until {date}: {Payment plan}.
  3. Spouse 1 and Spouse 2 have {number} children together, born {dates}. They are expecting {number} child(ren) on {date}.
    1. {Spouse} shall have sole/main custody OR Spouse 1 and Spouse 2 shall have equal custody.
    2. Spouse 1 shall have custody of children on {days of week/month} and/or visiting rights on {days of week/month}.
    3. Spouse 2 shall have custody of children on {days of week/month} and/or visiting rights on {days of week/month}.
    4. Should any changes or challenges arise to this custody arrangement, both parties agree to work together to find a reasonable and fair solution.
  4. Both parties verify that they have fully disclosed all separate and mutual property, assets, inheritance, credit, debts, liens, and loans.
    1. Spouse 1 has an income of {annual amount}. Spouse 2 has an income of {annual amount}.
    2. Spouse 1 will be the sole owner of the following property, assets, and inheritance: {List}.
    3. Spouse 2 will be the sole owner of the following property, assets, and inheritance: {List}.
    4. Spouse 1 and Spouse 2 will divide or share the following mutual property, assets, and inheritance: {List}.
    5. Spouse 1 will be solely responsible for the following debts, liens, and loans: {List}.
    6. Spouse 2 will be solely responsible for the following debts, liens, and loans: {List}.
    7. Spouse 1 and Spouse 2 will be mutually responsible for the following debts, liens, and loans, according to an agreed-upon payment plan: {List and Payment Plan}.
  5. {Spouse} will pay {Spouse} alimony in the amount of {amount} per month for the purpose of {purpose} until {date} or until {financial requirement}. The court system {will/will not} have the power to maintain, compel, or manage alimony payments between the two parties.
  6. Both parties agree to address all future disputes in good faith and make every attempt to negotiate to a peaceful resolution before involving the court.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party has signed this Agreement as of the date first set forth above.


Name, Date


Name, Date

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Index of Printable Contract Examples

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