Printable Contracts

   Freelancer's Agreement


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This agreement is made between {Client}, which conducts business at {Client Address}, and {Freelancer}, and is effective as of the {date} of {month}, {year}. The Agreement covers {type of work done} by {Freelancer} on the following project(s):

{Details of the work to be done by Freelancer for Client}

The following terms and conditions are agreed upon by both parties:

Contract Period. {Freelancer} and {Client} agree that this Agreement shall begin on the date listed above, and continue until the project is completed, or until terminated by either party. {Insert specific dates instead, should your Agreement require such.}

Compensation. {Client} agrees to pay {amount of money per hour, day, week, month, year, or a flat fee} to {Freelancer}, and will render this payment {weekly, monthly, upon completion of job, etc.}. {Freelancer} will submit an invoice to {Client} {weekly, monthly, etc.}.

Financial Obligation. {Freelancer} agrees that {he/she} is an independent contractor, and not an employee of {Company}. {Freelancer} therefore agrees that {he/she} is responsible for reporting {his/her} own income to the appropriate authorities.

Relationship. {Freelancer} and {Client} stipulate that this Agreement does not imply any other relationship between the two, and that any additional relationship desired by either party must be outlined in a separate Agreement.

{Insert boilerplate description of who owns the work submitted by Freelancer, with details such as if Client has rights to publish work first, has sole ownership, etc.}


___________________________                      __________________________
Freelancer Name                                                   Client Name

___________________________                      __________________________
Freelancer Signature                                             Client Signature

Create your own printable contract — FREE!

Formatted and ready to use with Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or any other word processor that can open the .DOC file format.

Index of Printable Contract Examples

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