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Employee Review Policy
All {type} employees will be given a formal, annual evaluation at {period of time} provided by their immediate reporting supervisors.
Supervisors are encouraged to give regular, informal feedback to employees throughout the year.
Contract employees will receive an evaluation at the end of their contracted work period.
New employees will be given evaluations every {interval} for the first {amount of time}.
The employee will first fill out the self-assessment form and submit it to the supervisor.
The supervisor will fill out the employee evaluation form and provide a copy for the employee to read and sign.
The supervisor and employee will have a discussion of the employee's duties and responsibilities, the criteria against which the employee is being evaluated and performance expectations. If new responsibilities or expectations have arisen since the employee was hired, these must be written into the employee's job description.
The supervisor will go over the employee's strengths, successes, weaknesses and shortcomings. Goals and plans for improving any unsatisfactory performances will be written out and signed by both the employee and the supervisor.
Any employee who has not received an evaluation or has received an incomplete evaluation may file a written request. Any employee who would like to contest the evaluation may file a written request to his or her supervisor's supervisor. This request must outline the specific areas of disagreement and the reasons why the employee disagrees. The supervisor's supervisor will have the final decision, which will be entered into the employee's personnel file and cannot thereafter be contested.
For more information, please contact:
{Name, Title, Department, Room, Phone, Fax, Email}
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Index of Printable Contract Examples
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