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Drug and Alcohol Policy
Employees are not allowed to come to work under the influence of alcohol. They may not bring alcoholic beverages onto the premises. The premises are hereby defined as the building, grounds and parking lot surrounding {Company}.
Employees may imbibe alcoholic beverages at some business-related parties, lunches and events only with management's express permission.
Employees may not use, ingest, own or sell any illegal drugs. This includes, but is not limited to, narcotics, pills, inhalants or intoxicating chemicals. If employees are found in possession of any drugs or drug paraphernalia, the employee will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination and criminal charges.
Legal Drugs
Employees may bring legal, prescription drugs to work provided that a doctor has prescribed the drugs to the employee in question.
Employees may not come to work under the influence of any drug that will impair their ability to do their job or function normally.
Employees may bring over-the-counter drugs to work provided that they bring no more than a one-day supply and only take the prescribed dosage at the prescribed intervals.
Company Policy
{Company Name} reserves the right to search any part of the premises for drugs or alcohol at any time. All employees may also be drug-tested at any time.
For more information, please contact:
{Name, Title, Department, Room, Phone, Fax, Email}
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Index of Printable Contract Examples
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