Printable Contracts

   Child Cell Phone Contract


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Child Cell Phone Contract

This contract between {Child's Name}, hereafter known as "Child," and {Parents' Names}, hereafter known as "Parents," outlines the conditions of Child's independent use of a cell phone. These conditions must be met in order for Child to continue to use cell phone.

By signing this contract, Child agrees to the following rules, which are to be checked off by Child when fully understood and verbally explained to Parents.


☐ A cell phone is a privilege and can be taken away at any time.

☐ The cell phone will only be used on a regular basis to call {insert permissible contacts, such as family and known friends}. Otherwise, child will only use the cell phone to make emergency calls.

☐ Child agrees to answer the cell phone whenever Parents call, and to return missed calls in a timely manner. Doing otherwise implies that Child is in danger.

☐ Child agrees not to take phone calls from any unknown number. If Parents are calling from a number that Child may not know, Parents will leave a voicemail with instructions to call.

☐ Child agrees to use appropriate etiquette when sending and receiving text messages or phone calls. Child will be polite to peers and will not engage in any form of bullying. If Child experiences bullying, Child will inform Parents immediately.

☐ Child will not take or send photos of any type with cell phone without direct permission from Parents.

☐ Child will turn over cell phone without argument to Parents for any reason whatsoever. Text messages, phone messages, and other data will not be considered private because these materials can end up in the wrong hands easily.

☐ Bad behavior of any kind will result in suspension of phone privileges. Bad behaviors will not be defined explicitly, but may include talking back, doing poorly in school, or failing to do chores. Any type of bad behavior may result in suspension of cell phone privileges.


In addition to these conditions, Child agrees to keep the cell phone safe, charged, and silent at appropriate times. Child will ask for clarification on any issues that are complex or confusing. Conditions that are not explicitly spelled out in this contract may still apply at Parents' discretion.

With increased demonstration of responsibility, fewer restrictions may be possible. As such, this contract will be reviewed on {date of review} and possible changes will be discussed on that date.





(Child's Signature)


(Parent's Signature)






(Parent's Signature)

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Index of Printable Contract Examples

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