Printable Contracts

   Bungee Jumping Waiver

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Bungee Jumping Waiver

By bungee jumping with {Company Name}, I hereby accept any and all risks involved and will hold harmless this business as well as its employees, instructors, tandem partners, or property owners for any injuries to my person.

I understand that bungee jumping has inherent risks, including, but not limited to:

By signing below, I agree to waive liability for damages or injuries. Specifically, I will be liable for any and all medical expenses, attorney fees, and other costs. I also assert that I am of sound physical fitness for bungee jumping and am free of heart ailments, high blood pressure, back problems, or any other health conditions that could impact my ability to safely participate in the jump(s). I also affirm that I am not under the influence of alcohol or any drugs that could impair my judgment.

I, _____________, fully understand and agree to the above terms.

Signature _____________________________________

Date _____________________________________

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Index of Printable Contract Examples

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