Printable Contracts

   Bedtime Contract


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This contract between {Child's Name}, hereafter known as "Child," and {Parents' Names}, hereafter known as "Parents," outlines strict rules for Child's bedtime and the bedtime routine.

Child's bedtime will occur no later than {time} on school nights. On weekends and during summer vacation, Child may stay up no later than {time}.

Child will take a bath at {time} {every/every other/every third} night. Child may choose {#} bath toys for use in the bath.

Child will make sure that {his/her} backpack is packed and tomorrow's outfit is laid out by {time} every night.

Child will brush {his/her} teeth every night at {time}.

Child may have {#} glasses of water before getting into bed.

Parent will read {#} books to Child before going to sleep. Child may choose the books that are read. Child may also request no more than {#} songs if Child has behaved.

Lights will go off every night by {time}.

Once in bed, Child must stay in bed. Once the lights go off, Child must go to sleep. There will be no reading or electronics in bed after lights off.

If Child follows the rules for bedtime, Child will receive {reward} at the end of the week. If Child does not follow the rules for bedtime, Child will lose {privilege}.

___________________ ____________________

(Child's Signature) (Parent's Signature)

______ ____________________

(Date) (Parent's Signature)

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Index of Printable Contract Examples

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