Printable Contracts

   Bail Bond Contract


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Bail Bond Contract

_______________________ (hereafter "Defendant") or their named representatives _______________________ as Indemnitor or Cosigner, agree to contract with _______________________ (hereafter "Bondsperson") of {Bond Company} for bail bond services.


Defendant and/or Indemnitor, in securing Defendant's release from custody, hereby enter into this agreement with {Bond Company}. The bond company will post bail on behalf of Defendant under the conditions below, with the understanding that Defendant will appear at all court dates and meet any other conditions set by the court.


The bail amount set by the court is {amount}, which {Bond Company} will pay {in full/other}. Defendant or Indemnitor/Cosigner will immediately pay to {Bond Company} a nonrefundable bond premium of {10 percent} of the total bail amount.


Payment(s) of {amount(s) in installments or lump sum} are due to {Bond Company} on {date(s)}. Acceptable payment methods are: {cash, debit, credit card, Venmo, PayPal, etc.} Personal checks {will/will not} be accepted.


Late payment fees of {amount}, along with administrative fees of {amount}, will apply for any late or partial payments. If Defendant fails to appear in court, Defendant shall be liable for all tracking and apprehension expenses incurred by {Bond Company}, including but not limited to: investigation fees, legal fees, and recovery fees.


Collateral {has/has not} been offered and accepted to secure the bond. The collateral is in the form of {property deed, goods, etc.}. The collateral will be returned on {date or event}, providing that Defendant {complies with all court appearances or other condition(s)}. If Defendant fails to appear or {other event}, collateral will be forfeited and become the property of {Bond Company}. If Defendant is found and subsequently appears in court after forfeiture, {conditions for reinstatement of bond}.



This contract will be deemed complete once Defendant fulfills all obligations of the court and {case is resolved, bond is exonerated by the court, etc.}. At that time, {Bond Company} will be released from liability.

In witness to their agreement to the terms of this contract, the parties affix their signatures below:

Bondsperson, signature & date _____________________________________

Defendant and/or Indemnitor, signature & date _____________________________________

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Index of Printable Contract Examples

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