Printable Contracts

   Exclusivity Contract

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Exclusivity Agreement

{Seller Name} and {Buyer Name} do hereby set forth an exclusivity agreement regarding {Product} on this day, {date}.

The Seller and the Buyer agree to the following:

From this day until {date}, the Seller and the Buyer agree to an exclusivity period regarding the Product. The Seller agrees to exclusively sell the Product to the Buyer, and the Buyer agrees to buy the Product exclusively from the Seller. Neither the Seller nor the Buyer will entertain, promote, approach, inquire upon, or consider other offers concerning the Product from outside sources.

The Buyer will purchase the Product from the Seller for {monetary amount} per {quantity}, at a minimum of {minimum amount, if applicable} and to a maximum of {maximum amount, if applicable}. {Buyer/Seller} will be responsible for shipping the Product to {location} for {amount}. The Buyer will pay {in installments/a lump sum} of {unit price or total price}.

The Seller agrees to the following standards and quality control requirements concerning the Product: {Stipulations}.

The Buyer will have {number} days to inspect the Product after receiving the Shipment and report damages or defects to the Seller. From that day, the Seller will have {number} days to repair or replace the product.

The Buyer and the Seller may be privy to confidential information of the other's business during the Exclusivity Period. The Buyer and the Seller agree to keep all shared confidential information private from others and to do everything in their power to keep from disclosing said information to the public, the media, competitors, and other businesses.

Any of the following occurrences will constitute a default of this contract for either party: {Failed payment or delivery, violation of contract, bankruptcy, etc.}

Penalties will occur in the following situations: {Situations, penalties}.

This contract will be {void/renegotiated/updated} on {date}. Any alterations or amendments before that time will be {addressed in writing/submitted to a lawyer/signed by both parties in front of a third-party witness}.

Signed this {date} day of {month}, {year}.





Create your own printable contract — FREE!

Formatted and ready to use with Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or any other word processor that can open the .DOC file format.

Index of Printable Contract Examples

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